What is Chrome report: [deprecation] unload handler

svm_agilis Member

I see this error Chrome report: [deprecation] unload handler in Daily logs in daily version 0.57.0. What does it mean?




  • mattieruth
    mattieruth Dailynista


    This should be resolved in 0.58.0. Starting in Chrome 117, Chrome deprecated the unload event which we were using to catch and leave calls. 0.58.0 updates this to use the pagehide event.

    Separately, I'll note that you may in the future see other Chrome Report: * logs. We have installed a ReportingObserver to log any deprecations or browser interventions, which will be logged like the one above. Sometimes these correspond to Daily issues but often we have found they catch our customers issues as well. In this case, it was ours :).

    ~mattie ruth

  • johnwils
    johnwils Member


    I'm using daily 0.64.0 and I get the same error, plus an additional error:

    Chrome Report: [deprecation] DOMMutationEvents

    Clicking the error shows daily.js source code and the ReportingObserver:

    try {
    new ReportingObserver((function(t) {
    var r, n = l(t);
    try {
    for (n.s(); !(r = n.n()).done; ) {
    var i = r.value;
    R(e, "Chrome Report: [".concat(i.type, "] ").concat(i.body && i.body.id))
    } catch (e) {
    } finally {

    Are these actual daily errors or errors in my code? I don't use any depreciated UnloadHandler code in my source, but I guess these could be coming from anode_module dependency I'm importing.

  • mattieruth
    mattieruth Dailynista
    edited May 9

    Correct, this is likely from another dependency if it's not in your code. The code you posted above is simply our handler for catching Chrome Reports but it can't tell where the issue originates from so it's not opinionated and reports all of them. We have this as a fail-safe/last resort check in case a Chrome release goes out that breaks something.