I thought of using daily.co on production but I dont think its reliable


Hey guys,
Sorry for being harsh but I decided to give daily.co a try on production but before that i tried to use it as a poc.
Guess what,
The whole library is down which is hosted on unpkg.


Is it happened for the first time or its normal with daily.js.

PS: Now don't be harsh to your developer. things go wrong sometimes. 😂



  • mark_at_daily
    mark_at_daily Community Manager, Dailynista admin


    Can you explain what you mean by the library being “down”? We’ve had no alarms or reports of an outage. Do you mean unpkg was down? I see reports of unpkg’s CDN being down now.

    unpkg is great for fast prototyping, but for production use, you’ll want to use a bundler like webpack to remove that dependency. You can learn more about bundling options here: https://docs.daily.co/reference/daily-js
