Recent bugs with our daily integration – audio & video not always connecting


Hello, we're experiencing some strange bugs with our Daily integration. We've been using Daily for over a year without seeing these issues, so we're wondering if there may have been a recent update that could have caused the issues we're seeing?

  • We are making a web video chat application powered by Daily

Details on the bugs we're seeing:

  • The bug is not reliably reproducible – it happens seemingly randomly
  • We've experienced the following:
    • a participant who appears to others as having their camera and mic muted, but sees themself as being un-muted with their camera on
    • a participant who sees themself in the room, but doesn't see any of the other people in the room
    • a participant who sees all of the other people in the room, but none of the people in the room can see the participant

The following would be very helpful:

  • Any recent updates to daily that could have caused this? We've never experienced this in our year+ using daily
  • Any ideas how to chase down these bugs or any changes to our integration?

Happy to provide code samples if needed.



  • mark_at_daily
    mark_at_daily Community Manager, Dailynista admin

    Hi @caroline!

    Sorry to hear you’re hitting this issue. Are you building with Daily Prebuilt or are you building a custom app? If it’s Prebuilt, we don’t have similar reports.

    If you share with us some example Daily meeting session IDs, we can look into what’s going on. Please let us know which user (can be an ID too) is having the issue. We can help you sort it out.


  • caroline

    Hi @mark_at_daily thanks for your response! We are building a custom app.

    It's tough to give a specific meeting ID since it happens sort of unpredictably, and is usually fixed by refreshing the page a couple times. Does the meeting need to be in a particular state for you to be able to look into it?

  • mark_at_daily
    mark_at_daily Community Manager, Dailynista admin

    If you can share with me any session ID where this issue occurs, we can review the call logs. We have access to call logs, so you don't need to give us anything other than the ID and which specific user in the session experienced an issue + what their issue was. With that, we can investigate.

    On the specific issues:

    a participant who appears to others as having their camera and mic muted, but sees themself as being un-muted with their camera on

    I would recommend checking your code to make sure that there's not a state related issue where the local microphone state doesn't match what others are seeing.

    a participant who sees themself in the room, but doesn't see any of the other people in the room

    a participant who sees all of the other people in the room, but none of the people in the room can see the participant

    This could possibly be related to how subscriptions are managed or how tracks are attached to DOM elements. I would recommend taking a close look at those areas of your code to make sure you can confirm that subscription and track assignment logic is working as expected.

    One last question:

    • Are you building directly with daily-js or are you using daily-react for your application?


  • caroline

    Hi @mark_at_daily – Thanks for your patience here as I respond, and your thorough questions!

    Here's some more info to help diagnose the problem:

    • The main strange thing is that our daily integration has always worked for the past year and a half, it only recently started having these issues. So any bugs in our integration should have already existed, but we're only seeing these issues happening now. Was there a new version of daily released that we should update to?
    • We are using:
      • @daily-co/daily-react-hooks^0.5.0
    • Here's 2 rooms that have had issues recently:
      • cyaFmq4F9z4djn1UDMKC - issues with being unable to see yourself, or being unable to see other participants
        eLWrHCsujRfzezA06Fwa - my camera disconnected completely as soon as someone else joined the room

  • mark_at_daily
    mark_at_daily Community Manager, Dailynista admin

    Thanks for the info! The first thing I would recommend is to update your daily-js and daily-react-hooks versions. 0.31.0 is very old, released in September of 2022. Similarly, daily-react-hooks was release around the same time. As a rule of thumb, we provide support on version that are 6 months old.

    Here are the latest versions:

    After updating, please let me know if you're still hitting issues. The newer library versions contain much more logging.

    Also, after you've tried again, please share the user's session ID, which can be found in the dashboard. That will help narrow down which user had encountered an issue, so we can help you debug.