sigChannel stopRequestingToJoinMeeting called before concrete sigChannel created


I am developing an application using react native. when I try to destroy the callObject before the participant joins the call(When the participant goes back from hairCheck page), callobject is getting destroyed but I am getting these errors.

sigChannel stopRequestingToJoinMeeting called before concrete sigChannel created

sigChannel disconnect called before concrete sigChannel created

Currently using:
"@daily-co/react-native-daily-js": "^0.46.0",
"react-native": "0.71.6",



  • paulk
    paulk Dailynista

    Ah yes! This is unfortunately a known issue in the current version of the library. The good news is that it's cosmetic—it does pollute the console but should not affect the call itself. In production builds of your app the console noise shouldn't result in any ugly popups.

  • paulk
    paulk Dailynista

    This will be resolved in the forthcoming react-native-daily-js release. Thanks for bringing this up!