[Weekly Update] See the freshest developer resources for building real-time video applications

Tasha Community Manager, Dailynista admin
edited October 2023 in Announcements

🌊 Hello!

Let's explore some fresh developer resources focused on building with real-time video and WebRTC technology ✨ 💻 ✨

🦾 [AI Week 2023] Have you read Daily’s AI Week blog posts?

🇬 [GStreamer Conf] Watch talks from this year’s GStreamer conference including sessions with asymptotic.io engineers and Daily contributors @arun and @Sanchayan .

🧑🏻‍🏫 [Live Technical Webinar] RSVP to Build an Interactive Live Streaming video experience with Daily Solutions Engineer @jack.

Have a great week!

I’ll see you in the forum.
