what does this log "message": "dtlsState=connected" mean?


in my application for some classes a participant sends custom audio, video tracks and others receive these custom tracks. in one of these classes, these custom tracks did not start. when I 've been through session logs, I found two things
1. I didn't see any where "daily.startCustomTrack" log in participant's session logs which clearly indicates that the custom tracks did not start. but I don't have any idea why these custom tracks did not start.
2. I found this log "dtlsState=connected" in other participant's session logs, but I didn't find this log in participant's session logs from who the custom tracks were supposed to start.

what does "dtlsState=connected" mean?
does absence of this log "dtlsState=connected" is the reason for custom tracks failed to start?


  • mark_at_daily
    mark_at_daily Community Manager, Dailynista admin

    I didn't see any where "daily.startCustomTrack" log in participant's session logs which clearly indicates that the custom tracks did not start. but I don't have any idea why these custom tracks did not start.

    All daily-js method calls are logged, so if you're not seeing a call to daily-js.startCustomTrack, then the method itself is not being called. You might want to double check your logic to confirm that everything is executing as expected.

    2. I found this log "dtlsState=connected" in other participant's session logs, but I didn't find this log in participant's session logs from who the custom tracks were supposed to start.

    dtlsState is a wrapper around RTCDtlsTransport, which you can find more about it here: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/RTCDtlsTransport/state

    This state is generally a sign a connection between peers and should not be specific to custom tracks.

    Hope this helps!