In what circumstances do we receive "Meeting ended due to ejection:"

vmdhoke Member

On line 113 we have this "Meeting ended due to ejection: Meeting has ended", What are the reasons for the same, we would like to fix this, but currently we do not have any idea why is it caused.

Best Answer

  • Tamara
    Tamara Moderator, Dailynista admin
    Answer ✓

    Hi @vmdhoke you're seeing this message because a user was ejected for one of these reasons:

    • And expire_after_time was set for the room or user in the room property or the user's meeting token;
    • the owner / host ejected them from the call;
    • the room expired and/or was deleted during the session

    Here are the ways in which you can set up an expiry or ejection for users or rooms:

    Two properties control how long a user is allowed to stay in a meeting:

    If eject_at_token_exp is set to true, the user is kicked out of the meeting when the token expires. If the room is not public, then the user will not be able to rejoin the room.

    The eject_after_elapsed property is the maximum number of seconds the user can stay in the meeting. The user will be kicked out eject_after_elapsed seconds after joining the meeting. If the meeting token has expired (and the room is not public) the user will not be able to rejoin the room. If the meeting token hasn't expired, of course, the user could reuse the meeting link and token to rejoin the room.

    The two token properties eject_at_token_exp and eject_after_elapsed override the two room properties eject_at_room_exp and eject_after_elapsed. If either of the token properties are set, the two room properties are completely ignored for the current meeting session.



    If there's a meeting going on at room exp time, end the meeting by kicking everyone out. This behavior can be overridden by setting eject properties of a meeting token.


    Eject a meeting participant this many seconds after the participant joins the meeting. You can use this is a default length limit to prevent long meetings. This can be overridden by setting eject properties of a meeting token.

    If you are certain that no expiry or ejection trigger was set up, do share this users's usersessionID with us and we can take a look at the logs to see what else might have caused this.