27-Feb-2023 Weekly Update: 📢 It's Infrastructure Week 2023 🌐

Tasha Community Manager, Dailynista admin

📢  It’s Infrastructure Week 2023 at Daily and peerConnection is covering all of it. 

🎯 The goal is to help developers learn more about optimizing platform architecture for scale, quality, and reliability.

I’ll be dropping links to blog posts, videos, and live-stream events in this thread all week. So stay tuned! 👀

We also have events this week IRL at the Amazon Startup Lofts in the Bay Area and NYC. There’s still time to RSVP using the links above.

…and we’ll be hosting another Open Q&A Session with Daily Solutions on Thursday. 


@daginge posted a stellar WebRTC Community Update on WebPush-ing console warnings through Airpods on Safari. It’s a great read.

