Changelog #28 - 2022-07-29 | Quality-of-life and security improvements

Tasha Community Manager, Dailynista admin
edited November 2022 in Tech Updates


I'm here to tell you about what's new at Daily.

  • If you have any questions, post them in the comments below and we will follow up with you in the thread.
  • If you are looking for a feature that we don't offer yet, you can tell us about it here.

Okay, here's the latest...

daily-js 0.29.0

  • 🙈 Bugfix: Removed the need for a Babel-specific workaround to avoid unsafe-eval in the Content Security Policy. For more information, check out our Content Security Policy guide

react-native-daily-js 0.27.0

  • 🚀 We've added support for React Native 0.69 and up.

Daily Prebuilt

  • 🗣️ Speaker view received some performance optimizations by reducing the number of speaker "swaps".
  • 💅 Lots of UI polish, as usual, like making sure those extra long names truncate when they should.
  • 🐛 Bugfix: Daily Prebuilt on iOS wasn't always resuming your video after switching apps. We fixed this to make sure you can always check other apps without worrying about your video call getting interrupted.

daily-react-hooks 0.3.0

  • 🪝 Get the local user's session ID without triggering unnecessary app re-renders using our new custom hook: useLocalSessionId
  • 🙋‍♀️ Another new custom hook to help reduce re-renders: useParticipantPropertyThe participant object contains a lot of information, so you can use this hook if you only want to watch for changes on a specific property.