30-Jan-2023 Weekly Update: Level up your WebRTC skills ⭐ 🏆 ⭐

Tasha Community Manager, Dailynista admin
edited January 2023 in Announcements

👋 Hi,

In this update, we're covering opportunities for you to learn more about building live video experiences on the web.

Want to learn something today?

  • The Daily DevRel and Solutions teams recently collaborated to create resources for migrating from Vonage OpenTok to Daily
  • Their blog post addresses common migration concerns and includes links to a guide, shim library, demos, and on-demand videos

What about this Thursday?

  • Join us for another live Open Q&A Session with Daily Solutions.
  • These sessions are a fun and casual way to get support directly from WebRTC and live video engineering experts. They’re a friendly bunch that has made Thursday my new favorite day of the week.

Next month…

  • There’s still time for developers to rsvp for our next online video workshop, where you’ll get live, hands-on experience building an interactive video experience that you can bring back to your team.

Let the learning begin! 🎉
