Default sfu_switchover value will change on February 10

Tasha Community Manager, Dailynista admin

Hi there,

At Daily, we strive to make it easy for you to deliver the best quality calls to your end users. To continue delivering on that promise, we're making a change to our default call settings.

Daily calls automatically switch from a peer-to-peer connection (P2P mode) to a cloud connection using a Selective Forwarding Unit (SFU mode) based on the number of participants present. This is determined by the property sfu_switchover whose default value is 4. This means that when the fifth participant joins, the call switches from P2P to SFU mode.

Starting on February 10, 2023, the default sfu_switchover value will change from 4 to 2. This means that when a call has three (3) or more participants, it will automatically switch from P2P to SFU mode. 

What prompted this change? By analyzing our call quality data, we've found that P2P mode is best suited for 1:1 calls. For calls with three or more participants, SFU mode delivers faster, more stable connections on a variety of devices for users around the world.

If you prefer the old behavior and would like to keep the current participant threshold, you can set the property sfu_switchover to 4 either at the domain level or at the room level.

This change does not impact Daily pricing. As always, our goal is to use our data insights to help you provide the best possible experience for your customers.

If you have any questions, please reply here.