Recording videocall and share screen

isra Member

HI daily bros, good afternoon. I have found a strange behavior, any advices are welcome . What it's happening is that when a user is sharing the screen, the rest of participants in the room can see the screen without problem, until that moment all i'ts nice , fine and works perfectly. But, then when this user who is sharing the screen starts the recording of the room (we use cloud recording), suddenly the rest of the participants can't see the screen, just the black square where it was the content of the screen.

Only happens with the screen sharing.

Some of you have experimented something similar? Thanks, good day


  • nienke
    nienke Moderator, Dailynista admin

    Hey @isra! I personally haven't experienced anything like that. Are you using Prebuilt, or your own custom implementation? Could you share some code, maybe? :)

  • chad
    chad Community Manager, Moderator, Dailynista admin

    In addition to Nienke's questions, how many people are in the room at the time? Daily does a thing where it switches between direct peer-to-peer media connections and centrally routed media connections through an SFU based on how many people are in the room. But starting a cloud recording in a p2p call also switches it to SFU mode. I wonder if that's part of the issue.