Changelog #32 - 2022-10-4

cody Member, Daily Alumni admin
edited November 2022 in Tech Updates


I'm here to tell you about the latest changes to Daily.

  • If you have any questions, post them in the comments below and we will follow up with you in the thread.
  • If you are looking for a feature that we don't offer yet, you can tell us about it here.

Now for the latest...

Daily Prebuilt

  • 🐛 Made a few bug fixes and optimizations, like making sure the the prominent speaker doesn't change too frequently when many people join a call at once. This makes call joining feel less chaotic.


  • 💅 Lots of UI polish, as usual, like simplifying the focus/hover styles.
  • 🧱 Audience reactions can be enabled (via enable_emoji_reactions) for rooms and domains.



  • 🎥 Added videoSettings.maxCamStreams which limits the number of non-screenshare streams that are included in the output.